Plans/ My friend provider rationalizes supplyings. Super savings.
Plans/ My friend provider rationalizes supplyings. Super savings.
The year is 2003. The companies of a whichever industrial district, we place the area of the marble of Carrara Mass, almost have emptied their warehouses from supplyes, raw materials and you exchange again. Some do not hold any at all: enough a clic and to supplyings of the virtual warehouse it supplies the provider of the virtual district, measuring the virtual necessities of the companies (real) through a software that uses complexes algorithms matemati to us. In three years the enterprises of the area have achieved ‘ impennata of the turnover, above all in the export, thanks to the greater competitiveness of the virtual district: discouragement of the operating costs (trained to you and technical) of the warehouse, more rations them employment of the attache’s, cospicui reductions in price of scale in the purchase of supplies guaranteed from a provider that it buys for 400 companies rather than for one, drastic reduction of the quota understood them immobilized in warehouse. Every transaction on the furnaces ture happens with the district Intranet and it does not produce scartoffie, if not one cumulative periodic invoice.
The simulation can be worth for every district and every product, from the knives of Maniago in Friuli to the citrus groves of the Sicily. Applying in way it originates them the confidence to the outside of business functions to the management of the warehouse, and transforming it in an Internet service, the idea promises “to recover margins of efficiency in the Italian economy of some tens of migliaia of billions”.
The mozzafiato esteem is of Marine Vincenzo, 43 years, Neapolitan transplanted in Germany, inventor of the first system of management data transmission in outsourcing of all business supplyings. Its Unitec ( been born 12 years ago like procacciatore of purchases in the field of the robotics for automobiles, today work with one score. of dependent between the center of Augsburg near Monaco di Baviera and “it centers it them” web of Sabaudia, where it acts as also from provider Internet. It boasts customers and contacts like Piaggio, Iveco, Michelin, Man and Whirlpool. And from the ten billions of turnover of 1999 it catches a glimpse 2000 like the year of the boom. The embryo of the future virtual district develops itself in first years Ninety. “we noticed – it tells Marine – that the business procedures contained enormous waste hidden, had to the management of the supplies and to the relative activity of office, than is not never to regimen”.
Nacque therefore that one that is the main specialization of the small group Italian-German. Unitec operates assuming from the company partner the management of a 80% of its suppliers: those not strategic, that also numerous, and therefore expensive to manage, they weigh not more in order of 20% of the supplies. The external manager makes cargo of all the relationships, rilasciando to the partner one single invoice and therefore pulling down the costs.
From here to the virtual district, thanks to Internet, the step is short. The principle is to put in logon (virtual) concurrent companies. Ten enterprises of the same field have analogous warehouses; ciascuna it will hold, we place, ten light bulbs of reciprocation. But to nobody fulminerà never more than one light bulb to the time. Here the solution: ciascuna company holds alone two light bulbs of supply, and every which time of it employs a provider supplies to replace it, if of the case procurandosela from one of the others nine.
The system works to two conditions: that the companies of the district yield to provider the their complete “sovereignty” the warehouse, and that ognuna is stimulated to maintain one minimal supply at least. That happens instituting the payment of a price, from the enterprise that has obtained a reciprocation to that gliel’ it has yielded (thinks the provider obviously to us). Sicché the warehouse of everyone is not only reduced to the essential thing, but it does not remain inactive operating also as it upgrades them store for the contenders. The entire district, in its turn, is behaved like an only factory, without to know it. Useless to say that being the informatizzati and managed flows of warehouse from a clic, the provider of the friulano district of the chair it could reside also in Tanzania.
It will work? Of sure it seems cut on measure for beyond the two hundred districts and swarming of small Italian enterprises. To the end, all one leads back mix the Neapolitan-German of Marine Vincenzo: “In it was of Internet – it says – we are obligates to you to render the italica fantasy more efficient”.