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- Absolute shaft encoder
Shaft encoder that transmits unique coded data for each increment.
- AC [~]
Alternating current
- Accuracy
The difference between the actual and measured position.
- Actual value
see count
- Alarm signal
Serves to monitor the shaft encoder for malfunctions, such as glass breakage, fouling, short circuit, short circuit of signal line, and supply voltage too low.
- Analogue signal
A signal whose level alters continuously.
Application specific integrated circuit
- Asincrona
Nella comunicazione asincrona il ricevente può rispondere ad messaggio in tempi differenti.
- Auto-reset
see reset modes; automatic reset
- Automatic repetition
see reset modes; automatic reset
- Axial loading
Maximum load on the shaft encoder’s shaft in the axial direction
- Bandwidth
Frequency range for output signals
- Batch counter
Registers the number of signals released at the main output. In counters with automatic repetition, the number of repeated cycles is counted. (See also operating mode)
- Baud rate
Rate of data transfer (bits per second).
Binary-coded decimal; binary representation of a decimal number.
- Binary
Two logical states (yes/no); the basis of binary data-processing systems.
- Binary code
Code using binary numbering; often used for absolute measuring systems.
- Bit
Abbreviation for “binary digit”; the smallest unit of information of a binary system, whose value can be 1 or 0 (yes-or-no decision).
- Bus
System for communication between several devices via a data line (see interface)
- Bus cycle
Time needed for polling every bus slave by the bus master.
- Byte
Sequence of 8 bits.
Can application layer
- CANopen
Layer 7 protocol based on CAN
- Change of state
For CAN: Bus node (encoder) sends it’s data automatically when a position change occurs.
- Channel
Signal track on which 1 or 0 is outputted.
- CiA
CAN in automation (CAN users and manufacturers group)
- CiA DS
CAN in automation draft standard, communication profile
CAN in automation draft standard proposal, communication profile
Computer Integrated Manufacturing; i. e. the linking of different computer-aided processes in production and related fields for general use of the data.
Software tool for configuration and diagnosis of Interbus networks
Communication object
- Code
Format in which data are transmitted.
- Code switching frequency
Number of position steps per second. For absolute shaft encoders with parallel interface: The maximum output frequency of the LSB output driver (fmax) also limits the maximum permissible code switching frequency: Code switching frequency max. = 2 · fmax for Binary code Code switching frequency max. = 4 · fmax for Gray code
- Coefficient of thermal expansion
Material expansion under influence of temperature change [µm/°K m], relevant for linear scales.
- Coincidence
Accordance of set value (preset) and actual value (count)
- Coincidence mode
See operating mode
- Compensazione
Tale teoria esprime la tesi centrale del pensiero neoclassico riguardo gli effetti del progresso tecnico sull’occupazione.
Gli esponenti di questo filone di pensiero la tratteranno e svilupperanno compiutamente.
Riteniamo dunque più opportuno rinviarne la trattazione nel sottoparagrafo 1.2.1. - Complementary
Output circuit for which also the inverted signals are outputted (e.g. Channel A and Channel A). Electrically, the 1/0 levels are transmitted as voltage differences between two lines. In this way the information signal (the difference) remains pure as in general interferences are interspersed equally on both lines.
- Connection box
In modular system 400 (plug-in type counters), the term “connection box” is used for the insert socket of the counter (see, for example, the totalizing counter in the modular system).
Count correction
- Count
Display of counted value (actual value) at the counter.
- Count correction
Correction of count; correction is not stored.
- Count input
- Differential
For adding, subtracting or differential count. The counter is equipped with a subtracting and an adding input. - Count direction
For adding, subtracting or differential count. The counter is equipped with a count input and a counter advance sense input. - Phase discriminator
For forward/backward counting. The counter is equipped with a 2-channel input. Signals are phase-shifted by 90° to allow counter to recognize count advance sense automatically. The count input can be programmed for single, double or 4-foldevaluation.
- Differential
- Counter advance sense input
See count input
- Counter advance sense signal
Output signal of the counter; can be used independently of counter advance sense for control purposes (e.g. drive unit control). The counter advance sense signal operates independently of OUT signal status.
- Counting frequency [f]
Number of count pulses per second [Hz] In pneumatic counters, the non-pulse period must be long enough to allow pressure to drop to approx. 0.15 bar for a minimum of approx. 12 ms.
Approximately 12 pulses/s are reached in a pressure range of 6 bar and at an ambient temperature of 20 °C.
Increasing flow or length of tubing reduces maximum possible counting rate and thus also warming. - Counting mode
In mechanical counters only: (+) adding in the specified sense of rotation + (–) adding in the specified sense of rotation; subtracting in the reverse direction + (+) adding in both senses of rotation – (–) subtracting in the specified sense of rotation; adding in the reverse direction
- Counting rate
See count frequency
Cyclic redundancy check. Bit error protection method for data communication.
- CSA approval
Approval by the Canadian Standards Association
- Data bus
System of lines over which data are transferred electronically in parallel or serially.
- Data consistency
Intrinsic coherence of data in respect of timing and logical aspects.
- Data integrity
Correspondence of data with the reality that they describe.
- Datavalid
Output for checking the validity of data.
- DC
Direct current (not alternating)
- DC [=] (Counter)
DC [=] Direct current
- Decimal point
Can be programmed in electronic counters
- Demodulator
Device that filters the original information out of an altered signal again.
- DeviceNet – conformity and interoperability
Confirmation of agreement of a bus node with the DeviceNet specifications and correct interoperability with other DeviceNet nodes.
- Differential input
See count input
- Differential line driver
Output circuit in which the difference between the two signals A and A is evaluated, thus providing high signal transmission reliability.
Deutsche Industrie Norm (German Industrial Standard)
Direction; see counter advance sense
- Direction
Control input for determining the data sequence (whether ascending for clockwise or counterclockwise rotation).
- Disable
Blocking of function (see also inhibit)
- Display
- Display memory
A display value is “frozen” during counting (for easier reading during fast counts)
- Dual Code
Natural binary code
- Duty cycle [ED]
Ratio of pulse length to non-pulse period; at 40 % duty cycle, pulse length is 4/10 and non-pulse period 6/10 of total time (see specifications in technical data).
- Dynamic behaviour
A function is triggered by a pulse (the pulse edge only is evaluated) at the corresponding dynamic input; the counter continues operation regardless of pulse width.
- E/P converter
Preset counter with electrical count input and pneumatic control signal generation (see pneumatic preset counter)
- ED
See duty cycle
- EDS – File
Electronic data sheet. This is a file with the device specific parameter description and is provided by the manufacturer of a DeviceNet or CANopen device.
“Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory” chip (see EPROM).
Electonic Industries Association; U.S. umbrella organization of manufacturers of electronic equipment and facilities. It is responsible for maintenance and development of the industrial standards for interfaces between data-processing devices and data communications equipment.
- Elapsed-time meter
See time counter
Electromagnetic compatibility
- EMC (Counter)
Electromagnetic compatibility; see interference immunity
- Enable
Control input via which the data outputs can be activated.
- Encoder
See “shaft encoder”
- Encoder monitoring
See “Alarm signal”
- Encoder power
Supply voltage to be provided for the shaft encoder.
User group of manufacturers of INTERBUS-S absolute shaft encoders
“Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory” chip, which can be erased with ultraviolet light, after which new data can be written into it.
- Extranet
La diversità sostanziale tra Internet, Extranet ed Intranet, può essere vista attraverso il diverso grado di accessibilità. Internet è raggiungibile da qualsiasi personal computer allacciato alla linea telefonica tramite un modem e dotato dell’apposito programma (browser). Extranet ed Intranet, pur sfruttando la stessa tecnologia informatica, sono “chiusi”, in quanto creati appositamente per collegare via telematica rispettivamente due o più imprese, e i reparti della stessa impresa; si tratta, quindi, di “reti” non accessibili dall’esterno.
- Gate
See inhibit
- General Electric
MANDELLI Andreina, in
“Fare business in rete”, McGraw Hill 1998 - Gray code
A special binary code that changes only one data bit per measuring step at a time. It is used with absol
- Hamming distance
Measure for data security in a data transmission. The higher the number the better the ability to detect
- Harmonic Distortion
Measure for the signal quality of sinewave encoder [%]. It describes the content of harmonics in analogue signals. The lower the number the better the signal.
- Hysteresis error
Measurement deviation for a position approached from opposite directions
- Identifier
Address of a message in a CAN network.
International Electrotechnical Commission; organization promoting international standardization of electrical components.
- Immunity to interference
Test procedure according to IEC 801, Part 4 – A test of susceptibility to fast electrical transients (bursts) causing interference on lines. The test values are divided into 5 levels:
Level Mains line Data and control lines
1 0.5 kV 0.25 kV
2 1.0 kV 0.5 kV
3 2.0 kV 1.0 kV
4 4.0 kV 2.0 kV
X special special - Immunity to interference (continued)
- Test procedure according to IEC 801, Part 2 Discharge of static electricity on the surface and in the surroundings of the specimen. The test values are divided into 4 classes:
Class test voltage
1 2 kV
2 4 kV
3 8 kV
4 15 kV - Radio interference voltage test to VDE 0871.
- Test procedure according to IEC 801, Part 2 Discharge of static electricity on the surface and in the surroundings of the specimen. The test values are divided into 4 classes:
- Increment mode
See operating mode
- Incremental measuring system
Measuring method in which the variable is formed by counting increments (measuring steps).
- Incremental shaft encoder
Shaft encoder which transmits an electrical signal (yes/no) for each increment, determined by the marked disc.
Inhibit; see inhibit
- Inhibit
Blocking of counter input during counting operation.
- Input
Count input
- Inspection certificate
All Hengstler products are subjected to strict quality inspection, the results of which can be attested by an inspection certificate according to DIN 55 350-18-4.1.1.
- Integer
Integral values; range of values at n bit: 0 … (2n-1)
- Integrated coupling
Flexible coupling built into shaft encoders
- Intelligent agent
Un intelligent agent, o agente software, è un programma di supporto alla ricerca ed alla selezione di informazioni on-line, che tiene in considerazione lo specifico profilo dell’utente.
Raccogliendo ed elaborando informazioni sulla base delle specifiche dettate dal consumatore, può, ad esempio, visitare alcuni siti che offrono il prodotto ricercato on-line, prospettando all’utente il prodotto “migliore” in base ad alcuni parametri, posti come rilevanti. - INTERBUS
Real time bus for the sensor-actor-level
- Interbus-Loop
Two wire version of Interbus, transmitting data over the power supply lines and using Phoenix Contact “Quickon” cable plugs.
- Interface
Transfer point with certain terminals, signals, or signal sequences. The interface serves for communication of the shaft encoder with other systems.
- Interface (Counter)
The interface is used for communication between counter and external systems. Counter values can be input or output via the interface.
- Interference immunity
Testing procedure according to IEC 801 Section 4
- Test for interference immunity against bursts (coupling to lines)
The test values are divided into 5 steps: Stage Power lines Data and control lines
1 0.5 kV 0.25 kV
2 1.0 kV 0.5 kV
3 2.0 kV 1.0 kV
4 4.0 kV 2.0 kV
X special special
Test procedure according to IEC 801, Section 2
- Electrostatic discharge on the surface and surroundings of the test object.
The test values are divided into 4 classes:
Class Test voltage
1 2 kV
2 4 kV
3 8 kV
4 15 kV - Radio interference according to VDE 0871
- Test for interference immunity against bursts (coupling to lines)
- Internet
La diversità sostanziale tra Internet, Extranet ed Intranet, può essere vista attraverso il diverso grado di accessibilità. Internet è raggiungibile da qualsiasi personal computer allacciato alla linea telefonica tramite un modem e dotato dell’apposito programma (browser). Extranet ed Intranet, pur sfruttando la stessa tecnologia informatica, sono “chiusi”, in quanto creati appositamente per collegare via telematica rispettivamente due o più imprese, e i reparti della stessa impresa; si tratta, quindi, di “reti” non accessibili dall’esterno.
- Interpolation
Scanning of a sinewave signal to increase resolution by generating intermediate position values.
- Intranet
La diversità sostanziale tra Internet, Extranet ed Intranet, può essere vista attraverso il diverso grado di accessibilità. Internet è raggiungibile da qualsiasi personal computer allacciato alla linea telefonica tramite un modem e dotato dell’apposito programma (browser). Extranet ed Intranet, pur sfruttando la stessa tecnologia informatica, sono “chiusi”, in quanto creati appositamente per collegare via telematica rispettivamente due o più imprese, e i reparti della stessa impresa; si tratta, quindi, di “reti” non accessibili dall’esterno.
- IP
See “Protection class”
- Jitter
Change in the phase angle between Channel A and B within one revolution (360°).
- Key reset
The reset button can be operated only by means of a key.
- Keylock
Blocking of certain keyboard inputs
- Kosiur
KOSIUR S. in “Understating Electronic Commerce”, 1997, da “Il Commercio elettronico” di SCOTT W.G. , Isedi, 1999 pp. 11
- Latch
Control input for storing (“freezing”) the data before they are read out.
Liquid Crystal Display; passive display requiring external light or backlighting to be read
Light Emitting Diode; active display lighting up as long as supply voltage is fed to the counter
- Line driver
Output circuit that makes a larger current possible.
- Linearity
Deviation of the reading from the actual value within one revolution (360°).
Least Significant Bit
- Measuring wheel
A wheel that, mounted on a shaft encoder, converts a linear motion into a rotary motion.
- mercantilista
L’espressione “mercantilista” fu utilizzata per la prima volta da Adam Smith per indicare la politica protezionista degli Stati europei del 1700.
I mercantilisti erano un insieme eterogeneo di autori vissuti tra il XVI ed il XVIII secolo; molti di loro ricoprirono ruoli nella vita pubblica dei loro rispettivi paesi. - MOD
See operating mode
- Monostable signal
Signal is active for a defined period.
Most Significant Bit
“Mean Time Between Failures”, a measure of average service life.
- Multi-turn shaft encoder
Shaft encoder which transmits the number of shaft revolutions as well as the angular position of the shaft.
- NC
Not connected; designates unassigned connections in connection diagrams.
- NC machinery
Numerically Controlled machinery; their movements are programmed.
- NPN input/output
Transistor input/output circuit implemented with an npn transistor, and thus negative switching.
- NV memory
Non-volatile; electronic non-volatile memory for electronic counters for value retention in case supply voltage is interrupt
- Offset
For programmable absolute shaft encoders: the offset value is added to the value of physical position. As a result you get a relative shift of the output value (output value = position value + offset value).
- Open collector
The collector of the output transistor is not terminated (i.e. open)
- Operating mode
Programming the counter functions for a specific application.
- Range mode: In this mode, the output signals are activated within the set range.
- Increment mode: After a preset value is reached, the corresponding signal is released and the counter jumps directly to the next preset value (without reset). (See also program mode)
- Coincidence mode: The output signals are activated each time the count and preset value coincide (coincidence), regardless of counter advance sense.
- Program mode: The preset values are processed one after the other independently of their setting value. The counter recognizes preset value 2 only after preset value 1 has been reached.
- Reset mode: After a preset value has been reached, the corresponding output signal is released, and the counter is reset to its initial value; thus the next preset value is always processed starting from the initial value.
- Set mode: Resetting of counter to the programmed main preset value.Standard programming for subtracting count.
Output (preset, zero signal, etc.)
- Outsourcing
Outsourcing è un termine inglese (composto da outside e resourcing), per il quale non esiste una parola italiana corrispondente e che, in prima approssimazione, sta ad indicare l’utilizzo di risorse esterne per lo svolgimento di determinate attività, le quali sono state tradizionalmente gestite tramite risorse e personale interno.
- Overflow indicator
When maximum display capacity has been exceeded, this is indicated by the corresponding code in the display of the counter. Deleted by a reset command.
- P.L.C.
Programmable Logic Controller: control system whose program is stored in a program memory and can be changed.
- P/E converter
Preset counter with pneumatic count input and electrical control signal generation (see pneumatic preset c
- Panel frame
Module frame for a counter
- Parallel interface
Transfer point at which the data are transferred in parallel over several lines.
- Parity
Checkbit for error detection in data transfer
Process data object (in CAN networks)
- Period measurement
Time measurement; the time is measured for the duration of one period (pulse + separation). The display is updated in cycles.
- Phase discriminator
Sense-of-direction detector that functions by evaluating the phase angle between Signal A and Signal B.
- Phase discriminator (Counter)
See count input
- Phase tolerance
Deviation of the pulse-edge from Channel A to B, relative to the phase angle 90°.
- Pilot signal
An output signal released before the main preset value is entered according to the setpilot signal value.
- PNP input/output
Transistor input/output circuit implemented with a pnp transistor, and thus positive switching.
- Position indicators
Processing of angular and path information, thus allowing position to be determined; no control outputs.
- Power-up reset
See reset modes
- Prescaler
The factor by which the incoming pulses in the counter are multiplied. Used when theincoming count pulse does not correspond to the desired display unit, e.g. length measurement with an existing roller mechanism and standard pulse generator.
- Preset
For programmable absolute shaft encoders: The programmed numerical value is accepted as output value (output value = preset value).
- Preset counter
Preset counters are counters with control functions, e.g. shutting down a machine after a certain number of pieces has been produced.
- Preset value
Setting value (a set value); a signal is released when this value corresponds with the counted value.
- Program reset
Count reset with simultaneous program reset.
- Protection class
- The enclosure class is designated according to DIN 40050, by IP and a two-figure code number.
1st digit Degree of protection against ingress of solid bodies:
0 no special protection
1 solid bodies with dia. > 50 mm, no protection against intentional penetration
2 solid bodies with dia. > 12 mm, warding off fingers etc.
3 solid bodies with dia. > 2.5 mm, warding off tools, wires, etc. (thickness > 2.5 mm)
4 solid bodies with dia. > 1 mm, warding off tools, wires, etc. (thickness > 1 mm)
5 dust in harmful quantities, complete shock-hazard protection
6 dust (dust-tight), complete shock-hazard protection - 2nd digit Degree of protection against water
0 no special protection
1 water dripping vertically
2 water dripping at angles up to 15° from vertical
3 water dripping at angles up to 60° from vertical (spraying water)
4 water from all directions (splashing water)
5 water from a nozzle from all directions (hose-water)
6 heavy seas or strong jet of water (flooding)
7 water, if the device is immersed in water under specified conditions of pressure and time (immersion)
8 water, if the device is submerged constantly. The manufacturer must describe the conditions (submersion)
(For numbers 1 to 8, water must not penetrate in harmful quantities.)
Example: IP 65 A device thus designated is dust-tight, and protected against hose-water. - The enclosure class is designated according to DIN 40050, by IP and a two-figure code number.
- Protection class (Counter)
Designated with IP (international protection) and a 2-digit number according to DIN 40050
- 1st digit
Degree of protection against penetration by solid bodies:
0 no special protection provided
1 solid bodies of > 50 mm; no protection against intentional access
2 solid bodies of > 12 mm; fingers, etc. cannot be inserted
3 solid bodies of > 2.5 mm; tools, wires, etc. (thickness > 2.5 mm) cannot be inserted
4 solid bodies of > 1 mm; tools, wires, etc. (thickness > 1 mm) cannot be inserted
5 dust in harmful quantities; complete protection against contact
6 dust (dustproof); complete protection against contact - 2nd digit
Degree of protection penetration by water
0 no special protection provided
1 water dripping vertically
2 water dripping up to 15° from the vertical
3 water dripping up to 60° from the vertical (spray)
4 water from all directions (splashing)
5 water jet projected from a nozzle, from all directions (jet spray)
6 heavy seas or powerful water jet (flooding)
7 immersion in water under a defined pressure and period of time (immersion)
8 submersion in water indefinitely. Conditions to be described by the manufacturer (submersion) (water shall not penetrate unit in critical amounts under conditions 1-8)
Example: IP54 A unit with this designation is protected against the penetration of dust in harmful quantities and against splashing water
- 1st digit
See prescaler
- PTB approval
Approval for use by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, the German government materials testing institute.
- PTB approval (Counters)
Approval by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (appropriateness for verification)
- Pulse (repetition) frequency, max.
The maximum signal frequency achievable by the shaft encoder, the product of rotary speed and number of markings.
- Pulse frequency
See counting frequency
- Pulse generation
- for electromechanical AC counters
An AC counter can be operated directly with mains voltage. Attention! If the counter coil lies parallel to a chain of contactors which are supplied by a common isolation transformer (VDE regulations), extremely high voltage peaks result which reach several kV capable of destroying the counter coil. In this case, we recommend operating the counter with 24 VAC via a separate transformer. - for electromechanical DC counters fed by battery voltage up to 25 pulses
- for electromechanical AC counters
- Pulse generator
Correct counting results depend to a large extent on the appropriate choice of pulse generator. In mechanical pulse generators, bounce contact of > 3 ms should not occur, as miscounts will otherwise be registered. For counting rates of up to 10 Hz, microswitches, limit switches, limit switches or cam-actuated sets of contact springs are suitable; for counting rates of up to 30 Hz, miniature relays can be used. The use of electronic pulse generators (proximity switches, light barriers, shaft encoders, etc.) is recommended for counting rates higher than 30 Hz.
- Pulse scaler
A component which generates an output pulse after a specified number of input pulses. Used whenever the incoming count pulse does not correspond to the desired unit of display.
- Pulse width measurement
Time measurement; the duration of a pulse is registered and displayed when the pulse is ended until this value is updated.
- Pulse-weighting factor
See prescaler
Polyvinylchloride; plastic coating of device cable
- Quickon
Connector with self contacting cable cutting contacts from Phoenix Contact used with Interbus Loop
- Radial load, max.
Maximum loading of shaft encoder shaft in radial direction.
“Random Access Memory” chip; this memory can be read from, written to, and erased freely. When the power goes off, it loses its information.
- Range mode
See operating mode
- Range signal
See operating mode
- Reference mark
Irregular gradation pattern that generates a single signal peak, to provide an absolute reference for an incremental shaft encoder.
- Reference pulse
Square-wave signal generated by a reference mark, usually only one increment wide, to provide an absolute reference for an incremental shaft encoder.
- Repeatability
Degree of deviation for a point approached repeatedly under identical operating conditions.
Reset; see reset
- Reset
Resetting of a counter to its initial value
- Reset modes
- manual reset by pressing the reset key
- electrical reset triggered by signal at reset input
- automatic reset in preset counters after main preset value has been reached
- interruption and re-activation of power supply (power-up reset)
- Reset operation
See operating mode
- Reset to zero
See reset
- Resolution
Number of increments per revolution (rotary) or distance between two increments (linear)
- Resolver
Inductive angular measuring device that generates two alternating voltages, with amplitude a function of the angle.
- Reversal error
Deviation in reading of a position when approached from different directions (hysteresis).
“Read-Only-Memory” chip, whose memory can only be read out.
- Rotational speed [n]
Specification of revolutions per unit of time (1/min, 1/h or 1/sec)
- RS 422
Standardized interface for unidirectional point-to-point connections (for description refer to “Complementary”); voltage difference 7 V DC max.
- RS 422/485
Interfaces for serial data transfer with specifications to EIA standards.
- RS 485
Like RS 422, however as a bidirectional bus interface
- Sampling frequency
Number of signal periods per second. The maximum sampling frequency limits the speed of incremental measuring systems.
- Scaling
For programmable absolute shaft encoders the encoder actual value is multiplied by a scaling factor. Thus the resolution (increments per measuring distance or increments per revolution) is adaptable to the respective application.
Service data object (in CAN networks)
- Sense
The Sense lines (Sense VCC and Sense GND) enable measurement of the factual encoder voltage without adulteration by voltage drop due to supply current and cable resistivity. With that e.g. supply voltage can automatically be adjusted.
- Sensor supply
Voltage supplied to feed a pulse generator by the counter.
- Set mode
See operating mode
- Set value
See preset value
- Setting value
The value to which a counter will be set. Two types of setting values exist: one-time and repeatable setting values.
- One-time: The count is set to a specific value. This value is not stored and cannot be recalled.
- Repeatable: The counter is set to a specific value (e.g. preset value). This value can be recalled at all times.
- Shock stability
Hengstler counters are shock-tested according to IEC 68 Section 2-27
Test example:
impulsive shocks to test object from 6 directions with an acceleration of 500 m/s2 and a duration of 6 ms per direction each. - Sincrona
Una comunicazione sincrona avviene in tempo reale.
Il Commercio elettronico in Italia: analisi e prospettive, 2000
- Spark quenching
For electromechanical counters
- with diodes For DC counters and counting rates of up to 10 Hz on counter coils and resetting solenoids. The diode used should withstand a peak inverse voltage of approx. 5x rated voltage.
- with RC combinations For DC counters and counting rates of > 10 Hz; for AC counters if the counter is triggered with sensitive contacts.
Synchronous-serial Interface; standardized interface for serial data transfer
- Static behavior
The counter functions are carried out as long as the signal is present.
- Teach in
With this function, the count is stored as a preset value by pressing a button. Entering the preset value via keyboard is therefore not necessary, or is possible optionally.
- Time counter
Registers the operating time of machines, devices, etc. Preset time counters are also available for tasks involving control functions.
- Torque [M]
Moment of a force M=F*L [Nm, Ncm, Nmm]
- Totalizer
Total sum counter
- Totalizing counter
A counter which only adds up received pulses, but has no control functions.
Thermo-plastic polyester elastomer; plastic coating of device cable
- Trail
See trailing signal
- Trailing signal
A bistable, freely variable range signal which “trails along” when the main preselection is changed.
- Transmission ratio
In mechanical counters, the first number indicates the rotation of the counter shaft; the second number shows the count in the display as it changes. Example: with a transmission ratio of 1:10, the display jumps by 10 per revolution of the counter shaft.
- Tristate
Control input; switches the outputs either to active or to high impedance.
- Two’s complement
Number format for the representation of negative numbers; range of values at n bit: -(2n-1) … 0… (2n-1-1)
- UL approval
US approval (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)
- Up/down
Counter advance sense (adding or subtracting count)
- Value retention
Preservation of the “counted and preset values” in case of power failure.
- Virtual Warehouse
The term Virtual Warehouse has been coined from Dr. Marino Vincenzo, general executive manager UNITEC (sees Dictionary of the published Digital Economy from the Sole2ore).