Suppliers for sanitary services
- 197 local sanitary Companies
- 123 Health department
- 750 Hospitals
- 36% of those built before 1940,
- 30% from 1941 to 1970, and
- 34% from the ’71 to 2003.
Sanitary expense (extract)
- 1.850 mil. € Global Service Equipments
- 1.750 mil. € Drugs
- 1.250 mil. € Other diagnostic devices
- 1.100 mil. € Diagnostic materials and chemical products
- 440 mil. € Prosthesis
- 220 mil. € Material for dialyses
- 190 mil. € Pace maker
- 165 mil. €Clothing material
- 55 mil. € Material Syringes, needles and gloves
- 50 mil. € Medication materials
- 50 mil. € Bags for stomia
The Virtual Hospital
For easy reference the example simulates the effect of the application of the Virtual Warehouse on a City Sanitary District consisting in three Hospitals only. Larger scale of application will deliver bigger savings and better optimizations. In the example the three Hospitals are located on a distance of approximately 20 minutes one from each other. This circumstance makes possible the transfer of materials between members of the system in less than an hour.
As a last analysis it is easy to realize that, once safety provisions are kept, it is possible to reduce total amount of stock without effecting operativity and providing big savings.
If every Hospital
- reduces the warehouse of 33%
- makes warehouse available of 66%
This will deliver:
- savings equal to total value of an entire warehouse;
- the equivalent of two entire warehouses available on the territory.